Worldcon Heritage Organization Home Page

Site Contents:

What is the Worldcon Heritage Organization?

The WHO exhibits from Helsinki

Hugo Award Displays

Posters from and about Worldcons

Worldcon Publications

WHO Officers and Directors


WHO is bidding on two Hugo trophies being offered for auction on

Friday, 7 June 2024

If you would like to help us bid on these marvelous relics of Worldcon fandom please send an email to our WHO president

and let him know how much you would like to pledge.

If you would like to donate directly, please use this Venmo link (Note that the payment account will show the name of the WHO treasurer, Edward Monogue with the tag @worldcon_heritage).

WHO is registered and ready for the auction on Friday.

More information about the Hugo trophy from File770

This page was last updated
5 June 2024

The Worldcon Heritage Organization (WHO)

Locating, Collecting, and Preserving Artifacts
from World Science Fiction Conventions

What is the Worldcon Heritage Organization?

The Worldcon Heritage Organization was founded in 2011 after the Renovation Worldcon in Reno, Nevada as a vehicle to maintain and preserve the collection created by Bruce and Elayne Pelz, Peggy Rae Sapienza, and others. The collection contains program books, newsletters, flyers, t-shirts, badges, ribbons, awards, gifts, prizes, pictures, and a wide variety of other physical ephemera from World Science Fiction Conventions going back to a program from the first Worldcon in 1939 in New York City. Generous donations from the various Worldcon committees and from the award winners themselves have provided WHO with a large collection of different Hugo award trophies.

WHO stores the artifacts, curates the collection, and arranges transportation to and from each year's Worldcon. Once the materials arrive members of WHO set up and maintain the exhibit and then, when the convention is over, carefully pack it up and return the exhibits to secure storage.

Worldcon75 in Helsinki, Finland

The Worldcon Heritage Organization sent four road cases of Hugo Awards to the 75th Worldcon in Helsinki, Finland in August of 2017. The photo to the left shows the WHO exhibit set up in the main exhibit hall. The photo on the left below shows special non-metallic Hugos created by Peter Weston for a special demo. The photo below right shows the WHO team wrapping and packing the Hugos for their trip back to our permanent storage location in Colorado, USA.


Hugo Award Displays from Other Worldcons